Cypriot Imports

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Mindy Mckinny took some nice shots of some of the better preserved Cypriot finds from this lat season in Area B.  just a reminder, Area B is the western slope of the tell where we have been uncovering a Late Bronze Age IIB (13th Century BCE) building with some really cool finds – like those noses, a row of pithoi, the necklace with beads and scarab and more.  In this period, imported  pottery from Cyprus is very commonly found.  At Burna, we have some of the more typical pieces, as well as some unique items.  here are pics of two of the typical vessel types, and one unique one.

Wishbone handle of a White Slip milkbowl – a round white slipped bowl with painted brown lines (sometimes forming ladders) and the trademark wishbone handle
Basering Ware “Bilbil” jug. known for its dark color, very fine ware with a metallic ring to it, and shape (similar to poppy flower and thought to have possibly held opium) and thin neck, so when poured from, it makes the sound “bilbil”.
Very unique triplet vessels made of basering type ware. smaall cups connected to one another. possibly cultic.



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